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City of San Diego Shelter Request for Information

Please read the Request for Information below and complete this web form in order to present information to the City about properties that may fulfill its shelter needs.

The City of San Diego Economic Development Department in coordination with the Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department (HSSD) have collaborated numerous times to identify space that can support unhoused individuals on the pathway to sustainable housing. The City adopted a Strategic Plan that includes a Strategic Plan Priority Area to “Create Homes For All of Us” by providing shelter for San Diegans experiencing homelessness and providing supportive services. Key to achieving this goal, the City strives to implement the Strategic Plan through long-term shelter solutions reducing or eliminating the transitory nature of current shelter facility inventory and ensure the City can plan for existing and current needs, as well as pilot innovative spaces that address congregate shelter issues. 

In June 2023, HSSD presented the first Comprehensive Shelter Strategy (Strategy) to the San Diego City Council, which was subsequently updated in July 2024. The Strategy was developed at a point in time and is a living document that is meant to continue to be updated to meet the evolving needs of the population. The Strategy defined the current City-funded shelters, outlined shelters in need of transition, and provided an analysis of the type and quality of shelter beds needed in the region. The Strategy also provided an analysis of locations the City has explored for potential shelter use including estimated costs, site viability and other criteria used to determine suitability of a site. The Strategy contemplated short-term, mid-term and long-term shelter options which introduce the concept of taking commercial properties and converting those spaces to be suitable for mid to long-range shelter use. Lastly, the Strategy clearly demonstrated the City’s continued need to further increase the number of available shelter beds—whether those be congregate, non-congregate, safe sleeping, safe parking or other interventions.  

Since the release of the Strategy, the City has continued to explore any and every available opportunity for potential shelter use to serve its unhoused, vulnerable population in alignment with the Strategy.  This includes adding 544 tent spaces at the new O lot and 20th and B Safe Sleeping sites; expanding bed capacity at existing shelters including 50 beds at the 16th & Newton shelter and 12 beds at the 17th & Imperial shelter; executing a lease of a 42-room Travelodge for a family shelter; opening a new shelter for survivors of domestic violence; and implementing recently awarded Project Homekey initiatives. Even with these multiple efforts over the last 12 months, the 2024 Point-in-Time Count indicates a 4% increase in individuals experiencing homelessness in the City of San Diego.  Additionally, 81% of shelter referrals remain incomplete further, indicating new and diverse emergency shelter options are desperately needed for San Diegans. The City has identified existing shelters that will need to come offline over the next couple of years. The existing need plus the future need for replacement beds demonstrates the City’s intent in searching for a permanent site to accommodate these beds. 

As part of its effort to identify single-structures or an amalgamation of proximate structures that might fulfill the City’s space utilization needs, the City of San Diego is releasing a Request for Information (RFI.) This RFI calls upon owners, managers and developers of real property within the City of San Diego to provide information about structures that are currently available or may be considered for sale or long-term lease to the City of San Diego for the purposes of creating additional shelter for the City’s unhoused.  

Request for Information (RFI)

This RFI is being issued for the purpose of gathering information and planning. The City may award contracts based on information received in response to this RFI. The City may, in its sole discretion, consider and utilize information submitted in response to this RFI in developing a competitive solicitation or a private transaction. Responses to this RFI may result in an eligibility list of contacts, resources and properties to which the City, in its sole discretion, may engage in communications in order to learn additional information in response to the RFI.  

II. RFI Submittal Process.  

  1. RFI Submittal  

    1. Timely Submission. Responses must be received by 4:30 p.m. Monday, October 7, 2024 by answering the questions on this webform, providing the required attachments, and clicking submit.

    2. Questions and Comments. Written questions and comments must be submitted electronically via email to by no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, September 20, 2024. E-mail is the only acceptable method for the submission of questions. 

    3. RFI Opening and California Public Records Act. Responses to this RFI will not be opened in public. Note, however, that any information submitted in response to a RFI is a public record subject to disclosure unless the City determines that a specific exemption in the California Public Records Act (CPRA) applies. If a Respondent submits information clearly marked confidential or proprietary, the City may protect such information and treat it with confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. However, it will be the responsibility of the Respondent to provide to the City the specific legal grounds on which the City can rely in withholding information requested under the CPRA should the City choose to withhold such information. If the Respondent does not provide a specific and detailed legal basis for requesting the City to withhold the Respondent’s confidential or proprietary information at the time a response is submitted, the City will release the information as required by the CPRA and Respondent will hold the City, its elected officials, officers, and employees harmless for release of this information. It will be the Respondent’s obligation to defend, at the Respondent’s expense, any legal actions or challenges seeking to obtain from the City any information requested under the CPRA withheld by the City at the Respondent’s request. Furthermore, the Respondent shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers and employees from and against any claim or liability, and defend any action brought against the City, resulting from the City’s refusal to release information requested under the CPRA which was withheld at Respondent’s request. 

  2. Requested Information. 

    1. ​​​To be considered responsive, Respondents’ submission must address all questions and provide all information requested in this RFI. All responses must be thorough and concise. The City encourages creativity.

Respondent Name:

Is respondent listed above the owner of the building?

Does the building contain any residents or planned residential uses?

Is the property currently on the market for sale and/or available for sale?

Is the building currently seeking leases?

Is there a Historic Designation listed with the building?

Are there any covenants, conditions and restrictions on the building?

Is the interior of the building currently sprinklered?

Approximate distance to nearest San Diego Trolley stop and/or bus stop:

Are there any environmental covenants listed with the property?

Does the building contain any asbestos containing material?

Has there been any recorded seismic activity or fault lines identified within the property site?

Mandatory Attachments

Please attach a site plan of the building:

Click Here to Upload

Please attach a floorplan of the building:

Click Here to Upload

Optional Attachments

Please attach any images or documents that provide additional information about the building:

Document Upload 1:

Click Here to Upload

Document Upload 2:

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Document Upload 3:

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Document Upload 4:

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Document Upload 5:

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Document Upload 6:

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Image Upload 1:

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Image Upload 2:

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