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Office of the City Clerk

Research Request Form

The Archives will process each appointment request in the order received and will contact you to confirm a scheduled date and time. Submitting a request for an appointment is not a confirmation of your reservation.

The City Clerk Archives wants to help you achieve your research goal. Please fill out the following form to let us know about your topic of interest. Please provide as much information as possible, also note that we require information as well as an email address and phone number because we need to be able to contact you for confirmation purposes.  Once your request is received, the Archives team will contact you to schedule an appointment. Entering your preferred date and time does not confirm the appointment. If you have any questions about the City Clerk Archives research appointments, please call 619-236-6924.

1b. Attachment

Click Here to Upload

3. Indicate what types of material you are interested in seeing (select all that apply)

6. Full Name