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Public Utilities

Upload Valid Government Identification

This form should be used to:

  • Upload a valid copy of government issued identification for the primary account holder and secondary contact (if applicable)

What type of account do you have?

Account Information

Primary Name on the Account

Required Documentation

Individual Accounts: Upload a valid photo of a government issued identification listed below for the primary account holder and secondary contact (if applicable).
  • Driver’s license
  • State identification card
  • Military identification (please include the front and back of the identification)
  • US Passport or Passport Card
  • Foreign passport
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of US Citizenship
  • Student identification card
  • Social Security Card

Please note: Any individual or business listed as a contact on a Public Utilities Department account will have the same access to account information, and the ability to make changes on the account, as would the account holder. This includes information regarding usage, rates, payment method and billing information. This also includes the ability to close the account, and update the mailing address, phone number and email address, as well as add additional contacts on the account. Contacts, however, are not allowed to start or transfer service on behalf of the account holder, with the exception a property management company with a current property management agreement on file.

Upload Valid Identification for the Primary Account Holder and Secondary Contact (if applicable). (Accepted file types: PDF, .JPEG, . PNG, .GIF. Please turn off Live Mode prior to taking the picture.)

Click Here to Upload

Account Information

Commercial Accounts: Upload a copy of one of the documents listed below, showing your Tax Identification Number, Employer Identification Number or City of San Diego Business Tax Certificate Number.
  • W-9
  • City of San Diego Business Tax Certificate

Please note: Any individual or business listed as a contact on a Public Utilities Department account will have the same access to account information, and the ability to make changes on the account, as would the account holder. This includes information regarding usage, rates, payment method and billing information. This also includes the ability to close the account, and update the mailing address, phone number and email address, as well as add additional contacts on the account. Contacts, however, are not allowed to start or transfer service on behalf of the account holder, with the exception a property management company with a current property management agreement on file.

Upload Federal Tax Identification (W9) or City of San Diego Business Tax Certificate. (Accepted file types: PDF, .JPEG, . PNG, .GIF. Please turn off Live Mode prior to taking the picture.)

Click Here to Upload